How to Add New Custom Field in FranchiseSoft?

May 08,2023 By

1. Navigate to the admin menu on the left-hand side.
2. Choose master data from the menu.
3. On the master data screen choose custom fields from the top right corner.

How to Add New Custom Field in FranchiseSoft?
4. This will display a list of all of your current custom fields.

How to Add New Custom Field in FranchiseSoft?
5. Please note the column that indicates entity type as custom fields will need to be created for each type of contact you would like that field to appear on. For example, if you wanted to track date of birth on vendors and employees you would need to create that custom field for both vendors and employees.
6. From this window you will click on the green add new button on the top right hand corner.
7. An “Add Custom Field” window will appear.

How to Add New Custom Field in FranchiseSoft?
8. On the “Add Custom Field” form please note the following fields are mandatory
– Field name
– Required (checkbox)
– Entity type and
– Field type
9. Next you will add a sequence for this custom field. This is the order this field will appear in on your Custom Fields tab of a contact.
10. Choose a category for your custom field. Please note that category dropdown will only be populated if you have built Custom Field Categories. To do this please see the article Adding Custom Field Categories.
11. Once you have completed entering the data on this form, click the green submit button on the bottom right hand corner to finish the process of creating a custom field.

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