How to Create a Dynamic Contact Group in FranchiseSoft?

May 18,2023 By

Dynamic groups allow you to create a variable list of users matching a specific criterion for use in Email, SMS, and Drip Campaigns. This can be used for your targeted emails. Once a campaign is created for a Dynamic Group, you create an “If this, then that” scenario. Only your audience meeting the specific criteria you have created will receive the email within the campaign.

How to create dynamic groups:

1. Click Marketing and select Dynamic Contact Groups from the menu.

Add a New Dynamic Contact Group
2. To create a new group, click create group.

Add a New Dynamic Contact Group
3. You can create a dynamic group for a specific group type. Select one from the drop-down.
4. Name your group.
5. Select all that apply from the Column Name, an Operator, and a Column Value.
6. Add a Row to add a criterion.
7. Repeat step 6 as necessary.
8. Click Submit to save your group!

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