Saving Clicks and Making Money with Franchise Lead Management Software

Saving Clicks and Making Money with Franchise Lead Management Software

Aug 31,2018 By

Today’s post explains how our franchise lead management software can save you wasted dollars and clicks. Read on for a taste of the lead management utility our users love!

Pinpointing Buyer Profiles for Smarter Ad Spending

Breaking your typical buyer down into demographic data can be a useful way to trim the fat off your lead generation campaigning. Once you know your typical buyer’s job, age, education level, favourite platform, net worth, and interests, it becomes considerably cheaper to target them with ads.

Our franchise lead management software is designed to simplify documentation of all relevant lead information in order to build the best lead profiles possible. Input data in multiple ways from any device, tracking all correspondence along with their company, name, phone number, email, description, investment capital, net worth, inquiry date, age, local area, and more.

Once you input this information, our franchise lead management software sorts it automatically, allowing you to easily determine which characteristics are common among your buyers.

Additionally, you’ll get auto-generate pipeline reports, sent automatically to your email on your schedule, so you never miss any key metrics or urgent opportunities.

Effortless Communication with Leads and Brokers

A recent global workplace study commissioned by SIS International Research revealed some shocking news about the cost of poor communication.

Their report, which looked at eight countries across eight different verticals, found that roughly 17.5 hours of productivity were lost every week due to poor communications.

They identified 3 common “pain points,” all of which our franchise lead management software soothes:

  • Unwanted communications. Every time a high-level executive or franchisor gets waylaid by low-priority calls, voicemails, and memos, it sucks time and money out of your business. Thus, quality franchise lead management software organizes correspondence based on priority, and automates those low-level but time-consuming tasks required to get lead relationships started, like sending introductory emails.For example, our franchise lead generation software solution allows users to plan out multi-tiered email campaigns, so that informative emails are automatically sent as the lead progresses through the sales cycle. Once the campaign is set up, you can start nurturing lead relationships automatically in the background, thereby cutting away unwanted communications so you can focus on “hot” and meaningful lead correspondence.
  • Communication delays. 68% of white collar workers who participated in the SIS International Research report said they spend an average of 3.5 hours per week waiting for information and replies. Similarly, many potential sales go to waste because the lead is left waiting too long.FranchiseSoft’s franchise lead management software prevents these costly delays by instantly notifying users of new leads and new correspondence. Moreover, our 360-degree lead profiles, and automatic documentation and consolidation of calls logs, email and SMS correspondence, let you delegate conversion duties to other qualified team members, allowing them to pick up right where you left off at any time. That means no lead will be left waiting for a reply while you tend to other matters.
  • Barriers to communication. 61% of survey respondents indicated that they had difficult establishing connections with colleagues for the purposes of collaboration. On average, employees spent 3.3 hours per week attempting to address issues of communication inaccessibility. Whether hot leads or franchise colleagues prefer to communicate through text, email, or phone call, our franchise lead management software makes it easy by consolidating all these channels into a single program. Now you can reach anyone on any device from the same dashboard messaging tool, and document all correspondence while you’re at it. In other words, installing our franchise lead management software instantly burns down any barriers to communication that might exist in your organization.

Learn More About FranchiseSoft’s Franchise Lead Management Software

Call 888-302-3676 to book your free consultation with a member of our team and uncover the real value of our all-around franchise solution
