4 Tips to Master Franchise Management using Technology
Ask just about any person what are some of the biggest differences between business now and forty years ago and one of the first things they will mention is technology. Yet, even so, some people conduct their business in ways that suggest they think it’s still 1976. Take franchise management. Whether you’re the CEO of massive company with countless branches or an individual franchisee who is part of a larger brand, you’re going to need to utilize technology as best you can to run your business effectively. So here are some technology tips to help you master franchise management.
Enterprise Resource Planning
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is your friend. Trying to be a successful franchisor or franchisee without ERP software is like trying to dig a tunnel without a shovel. I mean, you could probably do it with your hands, a spade, or some other gardening tools. But it would take an inordinately long time, it would be very difficult, and pretty messy. And why would you want to, anyway? If there is better technology available, why not use it?
That’s what ERP software does for franchise management. ERP software helps you optimize inventory levels and your supply chain, improve marketing, and increase sales for both franchisors and franchisees. To learn more about why you need FranchiseERP software, click here.
Customer Relations Management
No franchise can survive without customers. Yet it’s astonishing how many franchisees and franchisors don’t put in enough effort to foster a good relationship with their customers.
Customer relations management (CRM) is all about understanding, managing, and connecting with your customer base. And the best way to do this is with some high quality CRM software. CRM software will help you learn more about your customers, categorize them into different, appropriate subgroups, and trackall communication between your staff and your customers. It also gives you a 360 degree view of who your customers are and what they are interested in, and it will pay for itself, usually sooner than later. Without Franchise CRM software, you won’t understand your customers as anything more than numbers on a spreadsheet. That’s why it’s imperative to get the right CRM software systems to understand who your customers are and exactly what they need.To learn more about how Franchise CRM software systems increase profits, click here.
Franchise Marketing
No mater how many customers or clients you have now, you should always be looking for more, because you never know what will happen. Identifying leads –and subsequently converting them into clients—is paramount to franchise management. But it’s darn near impossible without the right technology. That’s why FranchiseSoft’s Email Marketing and SMS Marketing features are integral to generating leads through franchise marketing. Acquiring leads is a crucial aspect of successful franchise marketing, so you need the best technological advances available to you to help.
Many franchisors and franchisees know that hiring the right employees is key to the success of their franchise. But just as important is that once you have the right team, you need to manage them effectively. An employee management solution can go a long way to helping franchisors manage their workforce. To learn more about features of an employee management solution for franchisors, check out FranchiseSoft’s helpful and easy-to-use Employee Management Module.
These are just four areas to master franchise management. To learn some more or to inquire about FranchiseSoft’s great ERP and CRM software, please don’t hesitate to contact us today!