How to Create an Email Drip Campaign in FranchiseSoft?

May 25,2023 By

1. From the Marketing tab on the main navigation, click Campaigns.
2. Select Drip Campaigns from the menu.
3. Enter all campaign details on the Add Drip Campaign page.

Add or Edit Email Drip Campaign
4. Ensure that the Campaign Type is selected as Drip
5. Choose send type: Email
6. Apply a Trigger – Entity Creation (when a contact is created) or Drip Creation (when the campaign is created) to choose when the campaign will activate.
7. Select a Campaign Owner.
8. Name your Campaign.
9. Add a Start Date.
10. Choose a Contact Group Type: Dynamic or Static
11. Select a Group from the drop-down.
Note: Please make sure you have Dynamic Groups created before you continue.
12. Select an email template from the drop-down.
13. Apply a Send Time based on days or minutes. Must select one.
14. Click Add Row to apply additional email messages to your Drip Campaign. You can repeat this process as many times as the number of messages you want in your drip campaign.
15. Do not forget to Submit to save your settings!

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