Ending the ‘Telephone Game’ with Franchise Communication Software
Did you play the telephone game as a kid?
For those who haven’t, the game is very simple. The goal is to relay a simple message down a line of people. But there’s a catch: the message must be passed in secret, whispered from ear to ear.
All the sneaky whispering is fun, but the game’s real payoff is in the reveal. More often than not, the message that reaches the end of the line is totally garbled – “franchise communication software” might come out as “landslide remuneration toss hair.” Not even close. Everybody laughs.
The telephone game is great as a kid, but nobody wants to play games with their life’s work. And while it may come off a little harsh, many franchise communication channels are about as effective as a line of children relaying a message!
Just as in the game, this miscommunication phenomenon exists in the workplace. Once you understand how easily spoken communications can be skewed, or how often people read electronic messages with the wrong tone, the importance of franchise communication software starts to sink in.
And the telephone game doesn’t even fully capture the challenges of workplace communications, because information is rarely relayed that quickly. A more realistic version would occasionally have players waiting a business day or two before relaying the message!
Obviously, we don’t want to play the telephone game with our franchise communications; we want clear and effective correspondence. And that’s what our franchise communication software is meant for.
Here are just a few of the ways FranchiseSoft can help your brand simplify and streamline communications for your brand:
Improve Communications with Customers Through Consolidation
Our franchise communication software includes a Customer Management module that makes customers interactions clear and easy through intuitive messaging that can be sent to their mobile phone number or email address.
The key is consolidation. Without minimizing our franchise communication software or switching programs once, you can document and review all customer correspondence; schedule and reference your calendar; consult detailed reports on specific customer operations or any other aspect of your business; and send messages to select individuals.
Without this kind of consolidation, you’re spending hours every year just on switching between programs, and put your correspondence at risk of the “telephone game!”
Avoid Costly Internal Misunderstandings at All Levels
Whether you’re an individual unit owner looking to clarify communication among your staff, or a multi-unit franchisor trying to get a national group of franchisees on the same page, our franchise communication software can help.
For franchisees, our field service management and employee management modules simplify and streamline communications to keep your whole team in-touch and accountable. For franchisors, we put the entire franchise family at your fingertips with our direct messaging functionality, reporting, and 360-degree view of contacts.
Speak Directly to the Developers (and have your ideas heard!)
With FranchiseSoft, you can send feedback on any aspect of our franchise communication software, all from the top-right corner of the interface.
Whether you have a question, suggestion, or complaint, your voice will be heard. We use this user feedback to inform our franchise communication software development. A basic upvote system allows other users to thumbs-up your feedback so that important issues are pushed to the top of our priority list.
Once the update or add-on you requested is complete, it will appear in the “Release Notes” tab waiting for you in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
Learn more about our Franchise Communication Software
Visit https://www.franchisesoft.com today to schedule a free consultation and have a look at what our franchise communication software can do for your company.